Meet the team
Pastor Marc de Waard
Pastor Marc and his wife Kathy became part of this loving congregation in August 2017. Kathy teaches piano, heads up our Sunday education team as well as our Praise Team, and substitutes at Parker schools. PM loves preaching and teaching, making disciples, and getting area churches to work together. He has an Hons. BA, a B.Ed., a MA (in history) and a M.Div. He loves it when people borrow books from his library -- or come and help him weed at the community garden!
Doreen Weeldreyer
Administrative Assistant
Doreen has been a long-time member as well as employed in a local franchise company. She brings her knowledge, people skills, and warm personality with a gracious smile to this position. She oversees BREEZE (our church management software), aids and resources our staff and congregation in print and commun-ication areas, as well as does some book-keeping. Over time, she'll branch out into other technology fields such as website design and maintenance, She works 12 hrs/ week.
Amy Abbas
Director of Youth Ministries
Junior and Senior High students from various school districts all come together under the umbrella of one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amy has been a long-timer with us and we see the fruit of her passion and perseverance what with her having made deep connections with students and a whole new generation of them now.
Praise Team
Contact Kathy de Waard
Blending the hymns of earlier generations but to a new beat -- with the contemporary, this team has a passion to lead the congregation to the throne of God. At CRC we have the freedom to worship as the Spirit leads, be that kneeling, standing, raising our hands. We extol our God in our words and in our body language, all with the support of vocalists and many instruments.